In 2013, Lisa Tresch and Isaac Akromah founded Rising Village to partner with people in the margins and find creative solutions that help them rise from dependency to self-sufficiency. Their work focused on single mothers and orphaned children in seven villages in Ghana, West Africa.
In 2017 Rising Village added The RiSE program. The RiSE sewing and tailoring enterprise provides refugee and immigrant women with sewing skills, social integration, communication skills, and business skills training.
As of 2021, Rising Village began working with community partners to expand RV’s programs to immigrants and refugees in Tulsa. This led to Rising Village’s work in refugee resettlement as an affiliate partner of World Relief.
As an affiliate of World Relief in conjunction
with the U.S. State Department and Office of Refugee Resettlement, and the State of Oklahoma, Rising Village helps resettle refugees from all over the world into Oklahoma. Resettlement includes receiving and welcoming refugees and helping to provide core services like housing, public benefits, ESL, and cultural orientation for the first 90 days in Oklahoma.
Rising Village is an affiliate partner of World Relief,
an international humanitarian organization.